Thursday 15 October 2009

The Bright lights of Brighton

Dear friends,

The Modern Fighting Vehicles are back, like Die Hard three; with a vengeance. We’re living a strange life at the moment, far from friends, family and familiar faces, although we’re doing our best to build anew.
Currently we’re somewhere between hunting tigers and typing numbers; the mundane comes hand in hand with superb prismatic surprises, but then again, no war was ever fought without biscuits.

The band are working hard at the moment, in collaboration with some true friends; namely brother Michael Breach and a mysterious figure from the shadier side of the design world, known as ‘The Projector’, whose creations will permeate all our further works.

Good news abounds, Mo’s twelve-year-old sister, Birdy, has been signed by Warner Brothers. Pipping us to the proverbial post by a mere eight years… we couldn’t be happier for her, nor prouder.
And yet here, the procession towards notoriety continues apace, soon we will be, as Moses puts it, ‘the leisure pirates of Brighton’.
To sum up,

‘I’m hunting for a Tiger skin,
Unfortunately so far,
They’ve all had Tigers in.’

- A line from our friend, The Projector.

Courage in love,

Noah, Bassist of the Modern Fighting Vehicles.

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