Monday 5 July 2010

A Free Download From Us to You...

Wait, no stop. Listen, this is all too much.
The internet is full of us, and every bar and place of gathering is brimming with starving artists.
At least that's the way it seems. And yet here we are; I've written something and you're taking the time to read it, for that alone, thank you. We're already half way there.
We've been busy, well what passes for busy, and we've made some recordings. Not having any money, but instead ambition and recklessness, has lead us to retreat to the mill pond. There in the rural idyll that we grew up in, we have made something.

This thing we would like to give to you.
Don't get us wrong, we like money, but right now that's not our prime concern. Right now we just want you to listen.

You can download one of our new tracks, for free, right now .
And I urge you to, if only from baseless curiosity, or want of a free lunch. Do it.
Take it away with you, put it in your pocket. Treat it as you will, give it to all your friends, or don't. Play it at parties, when you want to surprise people with a band you've heard of first, play it in your room to while away the long nights. Take it and play it.

The song we are giving you is from a four-song demo, that we have made ourselves, next to a lake. In the near future we shall be building upon this demo, making and recording new music; that's really got us, and some big people out there, quite excited.

So, take it. Play it. Enjoy it.
If you feel the need to let us know what you think of it, get in touch, we don't bite.
Unless provoked.

Jacob. x